About Tech
ATCA Technical Symposium is all about how we innovate and implement. From the FAA William J. Hughes Technical Center’s Tech Tuesday to the Symposium stage at Caesars Resorts Hotel, we have developed a compelling and holistic agenda tackling the biggest technical challenges and opportunities of the day, including airspace resilience, automation, machine learning, AI, and the intersection of safety and efficiency.
Integration is the game's name, and without a healthy dose of innovation and creativity, we won’t get too far maximizing the many capabilities enabled by an open and accessible airspace. At least not fast enough to satisfy those used to the pace in Silicon Valley. Artificial intelligence and its fraternal twin, machine learning, will be deeply embedded in this new future airspace. It will take a lot of collaboration, both inside and outside our industry, to harness the power of these technologies, especially in an environment as safety-critical as the NAS.
Tech Symposium At-A-Glance
- Tuesday - Tech Center Tuesday at the William J. Hughes Technical Center
- Tuesday - Tech Symposium Exhibits opening and Welcome Reception
- Wednesday - Career Development Breakfast at Caesars Resorts Hotel
- Wednesday - Exhibits and Symposium at Caesars Resorts Hotel